Congregation Beth Emeth

We aspire to be a welcoming congregational family that supports and celebrates each other through the following: Encouraging and inspiring one another to deepen our commitment to Judaism and to transmit our Jewish values to the next generation. Engaging members in meaningful progressive and inclusive Jewish worship experiences. Advocating for religious pluralism and the rights of Reform Jews worldwide. Providing diverse programming and educational opportunities that create excitement and interest in Judaism at ALL life's stages. Leading and inspiring the greater Wilmington, DE community through tzedakah (justice), tikkun olam (repairing the world), and Jewish learning.

$5,676 raised from 58 donors

$20,000 goal

Dear Members of the Congregation Beth Emeth Family:

Our synagogue is committed to providing enriching experiences for our young members through programs such as religious school, NFTY, BBYO, Jewish camps, and trips to Israel. These opportunities deepen our youths' connections to their faith and heritage, as well as to their
Jewish peers, often through truly immersive experiences.

We recognize that not all families have the financial means to participate in these programs. That is why we have established scholarship funds to ensure that every one of our young members who wishes to take part in these transformative experiences has the opportunity to do so, regardless of financial circumstances.

Please consider supporting Beth Emeth scholarships during DoMore24, Delaware’s Day of Giving, which runs from 6:00 PM March 7, 2024, to 6:00 PM March 8, 2024. Your generous donations make it possible for us to provide financial assistance to families in need, allowing more children to benefit from valuable Jewish-focused experiences. Additionally, donating during this window
qualifies Beth Emeth for matches and prizes so that we can raise even more money!

Even though we are still a few weeks away from DoMore24 on March 7, you can go to our page now and set a reminder to donate:

Please also keep an eye out for additional emails letting you know if there are preferred times during which to donate to increase our chances for prizes.

We hope that we can count on your support to ensure that all of our children have the opportunity to participate in meaningful Jewish programs.

With gratitude,

Rachel Blumenfeld                  Rachel Allen                                  Yair Robinson
Fundraising Chair                     President                                         Rabbi

About Congregation Beth Emeth

Mission: We aspire to be a welcoming congregational family that supports and celebrates each other through the following: Encouraging and inspiring one another to deepen our commitment to Judaism and to transmit our Jewish values to the next generation. Engaging members in meaningful progressive and inclusive Jewish worship experiences. Advocating for religious pluralism and the rights of Reform Jews worldwide. Providing diverse programming and educational opportunities that create excitement and interest in Judaism at ALL life's stages. Leading and inspiring the greater Wilmington, DE community through tzedakah (justice), tikkun olam (repairing the world), and Jewish learning.