Jester Artspace is an essential local resource that generates creative energy by providing opportunities for all people to engage with one another and explore the arts. Our unique history and presence in the Brandywine Hundred is valued and supported by our actively involved community.
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About Jester Artspace, Inc
Mission: We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization saving the historic Jester Farmhouse for local artists of all disciplines and skill levels to use as meeting, working, and gallery space.
Jester Artspace, Inc. has partnered with the property owner, New Castle County, Del., to renovate the property. In turn, we will operate the house in a manner of direct benefit to the surrounding community. The Jester Farmhouse has been deemed to be of significant historic value to the people of New Castle County. It is one of the few remaining modest pre-Civil War farmsteads that were once common in Northern Delaware. The house sits amid 25.8 acres of original farmland at 2818 Grubb Road, which is among the oldest colonial-era trade routes in the mid-Atlantic U.S.
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