Delaware Coalition Against Domestic Violence

The Delaware Coalition Against Domestic Violence is a statewide, nonprofit organization and coalition of organizations, groups, and individuals that strive to promote conditions that prevent and eliminate domestic violence by educating its members and community partners; providing informational resources to the community; and advocating as a strong, unified voice for victims/survivors of domestic violence, children who are affected, domestic violence programs and victim service providers.

$1,195 raised from 38 donors

$1,500 goal

Support the work of our Task Forces! DCADV's task forces are here to offer support to survivors, provide awareness and outreach of services, educate the general public, and advocate for policies that are important here in Delaware.  They need your support to continue this work!

Women of Color Task Force
The Women of Color Task Force (WOCTF) was established in 1999. Members meet monthly to discuss and develop strategies regarding the outreach and delivery of domestic violence services to communities of color. The task force strives to increase public awareness of domestic violence through support, education, and training.

Women Empowered Against Violence in Every Relationship (WEAVER)
WEAVER is a domestic violence survivors’ task force of DCADV. Established in 2008, members meet monthly to develop strategies to educate the general public, criminal justice officials, government officials, service providers, advocates, and other professionals about domestic violence from the survivors’ perspective.

About Delaware Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Mission: The Delaware Coalition Against Domestic Violence is a statewide, nonprofit organization and coalition of organizations, groups, and individuals that strive to promote conditions that prevent and eliminate domestic violence by educating its members and community partners; providing informational resources to the community; and advocating as a strong, unified voice for victims/survivors of domestic violence, children who are affected, domestic violence programs and victim service providers.