TidalHealth Foundation Inc.

$1,885 raised from 16 donors

Did you know?     
Based on data from the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services, women in Delaware have a notably higher incidence rate of breast cancer compared to females in the United States as a whole. This trend is particularly pronounced in the lower shore region, where many women are unable to access regular screenings, often requiring them to travel over 30 miles to undergo mammograms.

The Drive for Mobile Mammography
TidalHealth Foundation has committed to raising funds necessary to launch a mobile mammogram unit, bringing life-saving breast cancer screening services directly to our communities that need it the most.  

The mobile mammography unit will travel the TidalHealth Service Area, including Sussex County, to offer breast cancer screenings to our friends, families and neighbors who may not have access to healthcare. The remote screening services will eliminate barriers such as limited transportation, geographical distance, lack of a primary care physician or lack of knowledge around the importance of routine mammography.

To turn this vision into reality, we need your support. A dedicated fundraising drive will be at the heart of the campaign. This campaign kicked off internally at TidalHealth in the month of October 2023, raising $125,000 from our very own TidalHealth team members.

As we embark on this journey, we invite you to contribute to this initiative, ensuring that women in our community have access to crucial breast cancer screenings regardless of their socio-economic background. Together, we can turn the wheels of progress, bring the promise of early detection to every doorstep and make a lasting impact on the fight against breast cancer.

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